Hydrolic Spazz Cannon? Names we give our genitals

My awesome FB friends are some of the most fun people I know, and always willing to help a sex researcher out by answering strange sex questions for me.  If you’ve read Different Loving Too, you know they were an invaluable source of info about BDSM community values and perspectives.  But now that I’m working on some new, more sex educational initiatives, I asked them a basic question:  what do you call your genitals in bed?

We all have names for them, don’t we?  Even if it’s the distanced “down there,” at some point we have to refer to our genitals in bed, and I was curious at how free my mostly sex-positive, free-thinking friends were in their choice of terms to describe their deliciously sexy bits.

Out of roughly 80 replies, this is how the numbers stacked up:

Male Genitals










Female Genitals





“Her/The Boss”









But the real beauty of this informal survey were all my outliers and their wacky comments.  (identities scrubbed to protect the less-than-innocent.)  Enjoy!


“The honored dead” 

He has his own zip code …. 

It’s been so long it’s difficult to remember. Just “oh my god don’t stop”. 😉

I suppose “throbbing purple-helmeted warrior” may be a bit verbose…

I named my cunt Abby Normul

Mr. Tumnus/Batcave

It’s been so long I’m not sure what this is anymore…..

I call mine “the best thing since sliced bread” ;p

His is Pup 🐕 – Mine is Puss 🐈-sometimes she’s called KissyKat 💋

Anything as long as he has one!

I’ve never referred to a vagina in bed.

Little Murray. And when he gets hard, Mr. Uh-oh. But mostly we refer to it as “him”.

In the words of the late great Robin Williams “The throbbing python of love!”

We say “male genital organ” and “female genital organ” while we sip tea in bed.  (Not really … we use the whole thesaurus of euphemisms)

My (boy/Daddy)  cunt, pussy, fuckhole, sluthole, cum dumpster…. hahaha depends on which partner really….

My dick has a mind of its own like all dicks. But I don’t give it a special name because I don’t want its head to get too big. Er, you know what I mean.

I call mine Big Otter

I call it the winkey.

Disgus, is what my husband calls his. I am like down south or just “me”.

I’m a Sailor. I use all the words.

Actually, I throw in a little Russian and German …just to spice things up for both of us.


And the winner goes to….  Hydrolic Spazz Cannon!

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